Muoomin ice cave | Visit Leppävirta

Muoomin ice cave

The popular Moomin Ice Cave in Leppävirta will start its fourth season on December 26, 2021.
The theme of this season is based on the story of the Moomin Valley TV series “Winter Secrets”.
The stinker has escaped from police custody and traces lead to the Moomin House.
Mrs. Vilijonkka arrives in the village, so her dreams will be later and the adventure will begin.

Welcome 26.12.2021-31.7.2022 Open daily from 10 am to 8 pm.

You will find ticket prices and other information

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Sport & Spa Hotel Vesileppis
puh. +358 29 170 0170
Vokkolantie 1
79100 Leppävirta

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