Other Holiday Cottages (private) | Visit Leppävirta

Other Holiday Cottages (private)

Private cottages

Jouko Puroranta and Rauha Vuorinen
A farmhouse (6-12 people) on the shore of Lake Koirusvesi
email: jouko.puroranta@gmail.com
Hanhisalontie 374 A
79150 Konnuslahti
Tel. +358 (0)40 025 5601 or +358 (0)40 740 2494

A holiday apartment in Moninmäki, 27 km from Leppävirta.
Two bedrooms, beds and utilities for four people.
Mervi Nyyssönen
Tel. +358 (0)40 014 2960

A Holiday apartment in Sorsakoski
A single flat in a row house, in the center of Sorsakoski. For all-year round use.
The apartment has beds and utilities for four people.
Osmajärventie 42, 79130 Sorsakoski
- booking: Sorsakosken Eläkeläiset ry / Raili Lappi Tel. +358 (0)40 561 8273

Pöyhönranta in Kotalahti
A holiday apartment (7 people) on the shore of Lake Valkeavesi. For all-year round use.  
Pöyhönranta, 79140 Kotalahti
Tel. +358 (0)40 063 7275, sari.brandt@mark-rahti.fi

Rauni Kuivalainen
A holiday apartment on the shore of Lake Koirusvesi
Tel. +358 (0)40 017 1352

Syrjäjärvi Cottage: Irma and Aulis Keinänen
A cottage intended for year-round use in Näädänmaa, 35km away from the center of Leppävirta
Syrjärannantie 101, 79330 Näädänmaa
Tel. +358 (0)40 017 2995 (Irma Keinänen, the hostess of the cottage)

Ulla Huovinen
A holiday cottage on the shore of Lake Paljakkavesi
Kortejoentie 22, 79230 MONINMÄKI
Tel. +358 (0)40 027 7891

Viljovuori Holiday Cottage
Family Huovinen
Inquiries in English: Tel. +358 (0)50 328 3335

See also following websites:

Airbnb.fi / Leppävirta >>

Gofinland.fi / Leppävirta >>

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